Ron Godlewski

Electronics Lab with equipment and parts

Background - why we are here've reached the home page for
Ron Godlewski
Full name is Ronald, but please call me Ron 

Here comes 2023.  I started this little social media experiment over 10 years ago (2010 to be exact) with the objective of experiencing the dynamics of social media and experimenting with different ways of 'being on-line'.  Seems weird to say that in today's environment.

As social media developed, the lines that separate and define our personal and professional lives began to disappear.  One observation of mine is that the younger the professional, the less important the separation.  For many in internet-based business, personal is professional and professional is personal: the creators, users, fans, and haters of Facebook, YouTube, and InstaGram are a great example. 

For me, LinkedIn is pure business while my family-only Facebook profile is pure social (and private to family and close friends).  I'm on LinkedIn nearly every working day but can't remember the last time I was on Facebook.

If you've been to my LinkedIn profile, you know my work history.  I've been a functional manager leading a group of engineers, and I've led small and very large programs as a program manager.  I've had profit and loss (P&L) responsibility, owned my own company, and have led the capture of new opportunities ranging from less than $100,000 to those that exceed $150M.  In 2022, I transitioned from business development to a Chief Technology Officer position.  I now get to play the "mad scientist" role and get paid for it!!

Programming in Python

Entrepreneurship - the building of a business, start-ups, analyzing business models, and just plain understanding the money flow.

Computers on desktop for coding

Technology- I call myself a technologist as I try to understand the underlying enablers (technology) that make the gadgets, knowledge tools (artificial intelligence/machine learning), the internet (web 3.0) and other novel 'toys' work: especially those that enable us to communicate with each other, entertain ourselves like never before, and do things we only imagined a few years ago.

Professional Interests - what’s most important

Business ideas

Business Development- I'm in the Aerospace and Defense industry.  I've been there nearly my entire career.  Started at the back end of programs teaching computer repair and worked forward all the way to an area called Business Development.  It's not sales.  The cycles are much longer.  You need a team to win the big programs.  And the playing field has more rules to level the competition than one can imagine.  It's challenging and its fun, especially when you win!  But make no mistake, I've been heavily involved in the commercial market space too.  I founded my own commercial company, created several unique 'internet of things' devices long before the current trend, and even have a patent.  Business development is all about leveraging talent (what our people do), heritage (what have we done in the past), technology (discriminators), and teammates (to fill in the gaps) into a solution that aerospace, defense, commercial, and international customers want and buy.

Aerospace & Defense - Over the past several years, I focused on a specific branch of the Aerospace & Defense market space, specifically those technologies and opportunities involved with Electronic Warfare.  Without bullets or brawn, the control of wired and wireless connections on the battelfield wins a war.  Current events in Europe prove it.  During this past year, I've been able to expand and focus on applications that apply artificial intelligence and machine learning to electronic warfare.  Tasks that once took a long time and needed a well-seasoned expert, now can be done automatically and on a lot more signals of interest.  I have to admit, combining commercial and military technologies is downright fun!

SpaceX Rocket Landing

Hobbies - there is really only one

Bass fishing in a kayak

Now if you really want to get me talking about something that is not work related, try the topic of fishing...I absolutely love bass fishing.  After all, you have to balance, recharge, and refresh in order to create new ideas and be ready to tackle the next set of challenges.